Name: EASY DIGITAL ACCESS+: Itinerary to Easy Inclusive Access to Education in the Digital Environment
Type of project:   ERASMUS+
Ref. no: 2022-1-ES01-KA210-ADU-000082559
Applicant: ADESOS, Spain
Duration: 2 years


Project Website


Easy Digital Access+ is an European small-scale partnership in adult education project implemented under the Erasmus+ programme, with the main goal to provide disadvantaged groups of people with easy access to digital knowledge,

Name: TOGETHER AGAIN: Practical techniques for relating interpersonal relationships and fostering psychosocial development in the post-Covid-19 era
Type of project:   ERASMUS+
Ref. no: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-SCH-000023629
Applicant: I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Władysława Orkana w Limanowej 
Duration: 2 years

Project Website


The project "TOGETHER AGAIN: Practical techniques for relating interpersonal relationships and fostering psychosocial development in the post-Covid-19 era" is implemented under the European Union programme ERASMUS+. 

Involvement at the national level, cooperation on testing of outcomes and final products:


Flavours & Fragrances

LLP project Leonardo da Vinci- Partnerships

The project deals with the issue of training and employment in a sector where the market is expanding : The flavors and fragrances industries.

Názov: NWF Network: Transnational initiatives to promote entrepreneurial skills and attitudes related to non-wood forest activities.
Type of project:   ERASMUS+
Ref. nr: 2016-1-ES01-KA202-025177
Duration: 2 years


Project Website 


NWF Network is an international network consisting of multiple organizations from different EU countries. Its main objective is to collect the best practices from all participating countries, related to non-wood forest products - NWFP (forest products that are not included in the logging sector) and which may contribute to the development of the rural economy and promote job creation.

Name: Adult Learning for MArginalised and Disadvantaged Citizens [ALMA-DC]

Vzdelávanie dospelých pre marginalizované a znevýhodnené skupiny obyvateľstva (ALMA-DC)

Type of project:   LLP / Grundtvig- Multilateral Projects
Ref. nr: 510658-LLP-1-2010-GR-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Promoter: 'EPICENTRE' S.A., Greece
Duration: 3 years



ALMA-DC seeks to promote adult learning for female migrants/women from ethnic minorities per partner country within the consortium by creating a learning course for them.